ITM Unix installation – Notable directories

The table below lists some of the most important directories used by ITM. This is far from being complete. I will add new information to this whenever I find an other directory worth mentioning 🙂

Number Location Description NodeType
1 $CANDLEHOME/logs ITM log files ALL
2 $CANDLEHOME/bin ITM binary files ALL
3 $CANDLEHOME/config ITM ini files. Constructing additonal product configuration values using the environment variable and product specific settings. ALL
4 $CANDLEHOME/config/.ConfigData ITM environment variables. contains values set at configuration time. ALL
5 $CANDLEHOME/tables/[tems name]/ATTRLIB ITM Attribute files. If you have a seeding problem you can check if the required attr file is in this directory. If it is not the seeding wasn’t successful. TEMS
6 $CANDLEHOME/tables/cicatrsq/ATTRLIB Historical data and attrib files ready to be seeded. Once you install TEMS support for a new product the attrib and historical data files are being copied here first. Once you do the seeding it all being copied over to the directory shown above this entry. TEMS
7 $CANDLEHOME/tables/[tems name]/depot In this directory there is a parent directory called PACKAGES Sub-directories contain all the packages in that depot. TEMS
8 $CANDLEHOME/[architecture type]/iw/profiles/ITMProfile/logs Embedded WebSphere log files TEPS
9 $CANDLEHOME/[architecture]/ui/jars/resources TEPS server resource files. If you have teps support problems check if the relevant .jar file is in this directory TEPS
10 $CANDLEHOME/[architecture]/cw/classes TEPS Browser client resource files, If you have teps support problems check if the relevant .jar files are in this directory TEPS Browser Client
11 $CANDLEHOME/tables/[tems name] Location for historical data collection files if the collection is enabled on TEMS level TEMS
12 $CANDLEHOME/[architecture]/[agentcode]/hist Location for historical data collection files if the collection is enabled on TEMA level TEMA
13 $CANDLEHOME/tmaitm6/agentdepot Latest installation logs. This directory keeps details of the latest ITM product installation ALL
14 $CANDLEHOME/[architecture]/cw/classes/candle/[agencode]/resources/advice/[lang] Location for Expert Advice HTML files TEPS

How to force ITM agents to specific network adapters when using HACMP

When you install ITM agents on a HACMP solution you need to make sure that the OS agents are running on both Physical nodes and the application agents are running on the active one. The application agent has to be installed on the shared volume group so when a takeover happens it moves with the application. The OS agents to the local filesystem on the physical nodes this way you have both nodes ( Active/Passive ) monitored.

After installation you have to modify the monitoring agent’s .ini file that is located in the [itmroot]/config directory. For example if you try to configure the Unix OS Agent you need to modify the ux.ini.

Set/Modify the following values:

KDEB_INTERFACELIST=! This instructs the product to bind to ONLY the interface
attached to the system and publish IP address for the Tivoli service.


Repeat this step for all agents in scope then restart the agents and after a while they should show up on the TEPS Console under the correct hostname.


Ubuntu 9.04 recommended applications

I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 paralell with WinXP.

I found the following software useful to get similar functionalities as you would on windows:

  1. Vuze – Torrent Client to get it: sudo apt-get install vuze
  2. XMMS – Mp3 player. It is a little tricky to get as it has been removed from the Ubuntu software catalog. You can get it though from
  3. Firestarter – Easy to use firewall comes with a bunch of pre-defined configurations for port. to get it: sudo apt-get install firestarter
  4. aMSN – MSN Client to get it: sudo apt-get install amsn
  5. Skype – Official skype client for Ubuntu to get it: sudo apt-get install skype
  6. Wine – MS Windows emulator for those windows software that you can not find an equivalent for Ubuntu ( WoW for example ). To get it: sudo apt-get install wine If your windows application is not working with the stable version ( 1.0.1 at the time of writing ) You can get the latest development beta from here
  7. VLC Media Player – to play videos and music this does download the codecs automatically.
  8. DVD/CD Burner K3b – To burn DVDs and CDs to install sudo apt-get install k3b
  9. Krusaderif you are looking for a total commander equivalent for Ubuntu either you can use Midnight Commander ( mc ) or Krusader. I am not entirely happy with the functionalities but it does the job. To get Krusader type: sudo apt-get install krusader