Step by Step Installing & Configuring Netcool/OMNIbus EIF probe for Omnibus 8.1

This article will describe, how to install and configure the Netcool/OMNIbus EIF probe that comes with the 8.1 version of Netcool/OMNIbus. As usual we will use SLES 11 SP3 as host OS.

Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF provides the capability to capture events sent from ITM and forward them onto the Omnibus console. It is not to be confused with IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Gateway for Tivoli EIF which is used to forward events from IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus to applications that accept events in EIF format.

First locate the Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF (nco-p-tivoli-eif 13_0) Multiplatform English (CN1FVEN ) package on Passport Advantage, if you do not have it downloaded already. Make sure that you download the one that is coming with the 8.1 version of Omnibus.

Installing Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF

From version 8.1 probe installation is being done using the IBM Installation Manager not with the nco_install_integration utility.

Start the IBM Installation Manager using the IBMIM command. Usually this is located in /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse directory. Once started go to File-> Preferences.

IBM_Installation_Manager_propertiesSelect Add repository. Specify the location of the repository.config file in the EIF probe image directory. This will add that location to the repository list.

IBM_Installation_Manager_add_repositoryClick install on the main screen to start the installation.

IBM_Installation_Install_startingSelect Netcool/Omnibus Probe nco-p-tivoli-eif then click next.

IBM_Installation_Install_select_packageAccept the License agreement, then click next at the Install packages window. If your prerequisites are not met you will see a list of missing package groups.

IBM_Installation_Install_Install_packagesConfirm the installation package by clicking next and the following window.

IBM_Installation_Install_confirmClick Install to start the installation at the next window.

IBM_Installation_Install_buttonIf everything goes fine your installation should now be done.


Installing the Situation Update Forwarder

The Situation Update Forwarder is located on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring tools CD, the latest version can be downloaded from fixcentral. In this example I am using the the tools package from ITM 6.3 Fixpack 4:

  • 6.3.0-TIV-ITM_TMV-Tools-FP0004

After unpacking the image the installation can be started using the ESync3000Linux.bin command.

Situation_update_forwarder_welcomeAfter accepting the License Agreement select the installation location of the Situation Update Forwarder the click Next.

Situation_update_forwarder_select_install_locationLeave the setting on default in the following window then click Next.

Situation_update_forwarder_settingsAdd the login credentials for your ITM server in the next pane. Remember situation update forwarder changes events on TEP once they are modified on the Omnibus console, however if you change ( acknowledge for example ) an event in ITM. The change will not be synchronized into Omnibus.

Situation_update_forwarder_itm_settings Click Next at the following pane and the installation starts immediately. If everything goes fine you should see the following window:


Execute Situation Update Forwarder SQL scripts on Omnibus

Situation Update Forwarder SQL scripts are used update the Omnibus DB Schema.This will create the required DB modifications by the Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF.

Apply the SQL files located in the Situation Event Forwarder’s omnibus directory in following order:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password ******* -server NCOMS < ./itm_proc.sql
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password ******* -server NCOMS < ./itm_db_update.sql
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password ******* -server NCOMS < ./itm_sync.sql

HUOMNIBUS001-P1:/app/IBM/SitForwarder/omnibus # $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password ********* -server NCOMS < ./itm_proc.sql
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
HUOMNIBUS001-P1:/app/IBM/SitForwarder/omnibus # $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password ********* -server NCOMS < ./itm_db_update.sql
ERROR=Object exists on line 48 of statement
‘—————————————————————-…’, at or
near ‘TECHostname’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
TECFQHostname varchar(64);…’, at or near ‘TECFQHostname’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
TECDate varchar(64);…’, at or near ‘TECDate’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
TECRepeatCount int;…’, at or near ‘TECRepeatCount’
ERROR=Object exists on line 7 of statement
‘—————————————————————–…’, at or
near ‘ITMStatus’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMDisplayItem varchar(128);…’, at or near ‘ITMDisplayItem’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMEventData varchar(3096);…’, at or near ‘ITMEventData’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMTime varchar(23);…’, at or near ‘ITMTime’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMHostname varchar(64);…’, at or near ‘ITMHostname’
ERROR=Object exists on line 3 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMPort varchar(64);…’, at or near ‘ITMPort’
ERROR=Object exists on line 3 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMIntType varchar(1);…’, at or near ‘ITMIntType’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMResetFlag varchar(1);…’, at or near ‘ITMResetFlag’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMSitType varchar(1);…’, at or near ‘ITMSitType’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMThruNode varchar(64);…’, at or near ‘ITMThruNode’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMSitGroup varchar(1284);…’, at or near ‘ITMSitGroup’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMSitFullName varchar(256);…’, at or near ‘ITMSitFullName’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMApplLabel varchar(8);…’, at or near ‘ITMApplLabel’
ERROR=Object exists on line 2 of statement ‘alter table alerts.status add column
ITMSitOrigin varchar(32);…’, at or near ‘ITMSitOrigin’
ERROR=Attempt to insert duplicate row on line 8 of statement
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
ERROR=Object not found on line 9 of statement
‘——————————————————————…’, at or
near ‘thrunode_change_handler’
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
HUOMNIBUS001-P1:/app/IBM/SitForwarder/omnibus # $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -user root -password ********* -server NCOMS < ./itm_sync.sql
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)

Configuring Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF

  • Copy the itm_event.rules file from the omnibus directory of the Situation Update Forwarder installation location to $OMNIHOME/probes/linux2x86/
  • Uncomment the itm_event.rules include definition in tivoli_eif.rules
    located in $OMNIHOME/probes/linux2x86

# This is the generic ITM situation handling. This may get modified if
# later include files are used. Must be included if the predictive or
# virtualization include lines are

include “itm_event.rules”

Make Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF start with Process Agent ( PA )

What is Process Control System and Process Agent?

“The process control system runs external procedures that are specified in automations. Automations detect changes in the ObjectServer and run automated responses to those changes. It also manages local and remote processes. Use process control to configure remote processes in order to simplify the management of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus components such as ObjectServers, probes, and gateways. The process control system consists of Process agents, which are programs installed on each host for managing processesand  A set of command-line utilities that provide an interface to process management.”

We use this to manage every probe / gateway running on our Omnibus server. Repeat the following steps to configure the Process Agent to manage Netcool/OMNIbus 8 Plus Probe for Tivoli EIF:

Start the Administration Console using the nco_config command in $OMNIHOME/bin/


Log in to your process agent using the OS user id and password.


Click on New process from the drop down menu after right clicking on Core:

process_agent_create_processDefine the location of the nco_p_tivoli_eif executable, then click OK.


Start the nco_p_tivoli_eif process using the drop down menu.

process_agent_start_probeIf everything was configured properly you should see something similar.


Start the Situation Update Forwarder

If you would like to have synchronization between TEP and Omnibus you can run the Situation Update Forwarder. It is important to point out that this is not required for proper event forwarding from ITM to Omnibus, only required if you would like to have your changes done on Omnibus to be synched down to TEP. You can run SUF with the following command:




ITM Windows OS Agent slows down periodically

We recently ran into an issue with one of our deployed ITM Windows OS agents. The problem was that the agent slowed down a few times a day. This means that sometimes it took minutes for the data to show up on TEP. When we checked the Windows OS Agent logs we found the following error repeating:

(54475515.0002-27BC:knt67agt.cpp,284,”TakeSample”) remoteFailureCount
(5447551A.0000-27BC:knt67agt.cpp,949,”ipToHostname”) gethostbyaddr error . Exiting
(5447551A.0001-27BC:knt67agt.cpp,283,”TakeSample”) ipToHostName failure for IP:

We then added the following parameters to the windows OS agent environment file which has solved the issue:


Very likely the DNS resolution problems caused the agent to wait for the hostnames to be resolved therefore it was hanging until it got a timeout.

Change DB2 database port/user/password for maxdb75 – Control Desk 7.5.1

We had a requirement today to change the default port ( 50005 ) of the DB2 server on the Control Desk box. Control desk stores this configuration data in the file which is normally located in ./SMP/maximo/applications/maximo/properties/ directory. This file is encrypted as it also stores the userid and password for maxdb75 database. The following steps have to be performed to change the port or any other setting properly:

– Copy original properties file ( maximo.properties_orig ) from ./SMP/etc/ to ./SMP/maximo/applications/maximo/properties/
– Rename to
– Rename maximo.properties_orig to
– Edit file. We changed the default port to 60000. Don’t forget to update the password field to the current password.


– Encrypt the configuration file using the usually location in ./SMP/maximo/tools/maximo

Once this procedure is done you will have to repackage the configuration file in properties.jar located in ./WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/installedApps/ctgCell01/MAXIMO.ear

– Copy the configuration.jar file to a temporary location
– unpack the configuration.jar file using the jar utility. There will be several version of this on your server so just look for it and use whichever is convenient.
– Run the following command /yourjarlocation/jar -xvf properties.jar
– Copy the file to the temporary directory and overwrite the extracted version
– Pack the jar file back to /yourjarlocation/jar -cvf properties.jar
– Copy the new properties.jar file to it’s original location: ./WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/installedApps/ctgCell01/MAXIMO.ear

Now restart the WebSphere application server and your changes should be done.

If you happen to use Integration Composer you also have to change the database settings on the Control Desk Console in the following menu:

System Configuration -> Platform Configuration -> System Properties

Also change the port in the file which is located in the Integration Composer root directory under ./data/properties:


How to scan devices behind a NAT firewall with TADDM

I have a couple of test VMs on my home network. These boxes are behind my NAT router which has port forwarding options these are both Linux and Windows servers. Since we did several integrations lately, we needed our test taddm server to scan these VMs. The taddm server has full internet access so it can connect to any device that is accessible on the internet. The following steps we performed to scan these devices:

– Dedicate a linux based box as anchor in the internal network.
– Change the ssh port to a custom high port ( we used 9901 ) that will be allowed though by my internet provider.
– Forward the selected port ( we used 9901 ) and the default anchor port 8497 to the dedicated linux box on the NAT router.
– Dedicate a Windows based box to be the windows gateway in the internal network, this is required as we have windows servers that we would like to scan.
– Follow this procedure  to install Cygwin SSH server on that windows box. Leave the SSH port on default ( 22 )
– Create a scope for the internal ip range we named the scope Scope_internal_ip and added range since this is the range we are using internally on our local network.
– Create a scope for the anchor box which only has its the ip of the router defined. We named this scope to Scope_Anchor.
– Taddm has the option to change the default SSH port for any scope you specify. To achieve this we add new lines the file ( usually location under ./taddm/dist/etc ). Add the name of the scope after com.collation.SshPort option like com.collation.SshPort.Scope_internal_ip. You can define a different SSH port for each scope you have. Also please make sure that you keep the original setting for port 22. The port 9901 has to be added to the com.collation.pingagent.ports setting as well as taddm only pings for ports listed in this value. This is not set in by default will have to be added once a non-standard port is in play.
Add/change the following in collation properties:

# SSH Settings
# Default port to use for all ssh connections
# This sets SSH to port 9901 for scope internal_ip
#This sets ping agent to use port 9901 as well for checking availability or the target.

– Create an anchor using the Discovery Management Console. We use the ip address of our router here and select to use internal_ip scope.
– Create a windows gateway using the Discovery Management Console. Use the internal ip address of the windows server. In our case this was
– Create access lists for each id involved, we used the following ids: root for the linux anchor, Administrator for the windows gateway, and taddm for the rest of the windows boxes on the internal network. So user Administrator and taddm has Scope_internal_ip as the scope limitation and root has Scope_Anchor as the scope limitation.

Now the environment is all set up, initiate a New Discover from the Discovery Management Console, select the 2 newly created scopes run the scan. This should install the anchor on your dedicated linux box, identify and install the windows gateway, scan the internal network and scan all boxes having taddm id active.

Starting SmartCloud Control Desk one box system

If we install a Smart Cloud Control Desk one box system, and want to restart the server we have to follow the below list to get the whole system up and running again. (Please adapt the commands to your system)

1. Start directory server database
su – idsccmdb -c db2start

2. Start directory server
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.3/sbin/ibmslapd -I idsccmdb

3. Start Maximo database
su – ctginst1 -c db2start

4. Start Websphere Deployment Manager

5. Start Websphere Node agent

6. Start Websphere Application Server
/app/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/ctgAppSrv01/bin/ MXServer

7. If not starting automatically, start the web server
/app/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start

TADDM and JAZZ SM integration using OSLC

This guide will show you how to integrate TADDM and JAZZ SM. There is very little information on how this works, I collected this information from various versions of TADDM documentation and from videos posted online by IBM. The following steps will be performed in order to get this configured:

1: Edit TADDM’s configuration file to enable the OSLC provider.

To perform this open the file on the TADDM server with an editor of your choice. There are 3 versions of file on the system so make sure that you open the one in ./dist/etc.  Edit the following properties:

# This is the parameter to set up your Jazz server location. make sure that you use the fully qualified hostname, then check if you can ping that URL from your taddm server.[hostname_of_your_jazz_server]:[jazz_server_port]
# This is the parameter to set up your TADDM server URL[your_taddm_hostname]:9430

2: Add Jazz connection parameters to TADDM using the TADDM Gui

Open the Discovery Management Console, navigate to Access list option, and create the following access list.


This defines the login credentials for your Jazz server. The OSLCAgent will use this to connect to the Jazz server and register the TADDM provider.

3: Restart TADDM’s OSLC Agent and see the logs if the connection is successful

The taddm’s oslc agent can be managed by its command line utility. To make the agent re-register you have to issue the following command:

./ -a OSLCAgent

The location of the utility is in ./dist/support/bin/ directory. Once you run the command have a look at the OSLC Agent’s log file which is located in ./dist/log/agent/ directory. If you defined the parameters right you should see something similar:

2014-04-28 14:32:55,678 TopologyBuilder [pool-1-thread-1]  INFO cdb.TivoliStdMsgLogger – CTJOT0402I Topology builder agent is starting.
2014-04-28 14:32:55,714 TopologyBuilder [pool-1-thread-1]  INFO util.GuidAliasing – Found 0 duplicates for guid : 71C7D480CF2D3022B43AD190A9F25681
2014-04-28 14:32:57,965 TopologyBuilder [pool-1-thread-1]  INFO elements.Element – [OSLCAgent.I.0] Cleansing rules loaded from file: /app/IBM/taddm/dist/etc/oslc/cleansingRules.xml
2014-04-28 14:33:00,295 TopologyBuilder [pool-7-thread-2]  INFO tasks.FrsTask – [OSLCAgent.I.1] POST OK for guid: 7F54D544F4883923B10BE6E492EA6BAD, for type: CRTV:CRTV:SoftwareModule, HTTP status: 201, FRS response: HTTP/1.1 201 Created, processing time: (M/S)QL: 26ms, 0s JOB: N/A <RDF: 5ms, 0s FRS: 566ms, 0s JDO: 22ms, 0s>, provider: configuration

The POST OK message in the log shows that the connection has been established to the Jazz server correctly and data is being posted across.

4: Check if the provider is showing up on TADDM

If the provider is successfully registered on Jazz it should show up on your Jazz Server. This can be located on the following URL:



There should be 2 providers registered:





Please note this guide is for Linux/UNIX only. We haven’t tested this in a Windows environment and we are not intending to.

Adding a MySQL Data Source to TEPS using JDBC

We had a requirement to display data from a remote MySQL database on TEPS. There is absolutely no documentation on how to do this so I attempt to explain how we managed to sort this out.

1: Check if you can get to the MySQL database from the TEPS server. You can run the following PHP script if it is not giving an error the connection is working fine! Replace
the highlighted variables with your own details.


// opening DB connection

$dbhost = ‘database_hostname‘;
$dbuser = ‘database_username‘;
$dbpass = ‘database_password‘;

$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die (‘Error connecting to mysql’);

$dbname = ‘database_name‘;


2: Add the MySQL data source to the TEPS datasource list. We used the following command:

/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/tacmd configurePortalServer -s DSUSER2 -p UID=database_user PWD=database_password CONNECTION_TYPE=JDBC KFWJDBCDRIVER=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver KFWDSURL=jdbc:mysql://database_hostname:3306/database_name

This will create the DSUSER2 datasource.

3: Download MySQL JDBC connection driver from

4: Add MySQL JDBC connection driver to cq.ini this will ensure that the driver is loaded.


5: Restart TEPS

Once teps is restarted the new data source should show up when you try to create a custom query on TEPS. Simply enter the SQL you would like to run against the MySQL database and the data should show up on teps in table format.

Moving Tivoli Common Reporting Content Store Database

We had to move the Tivoli Common Reporting Content store database. Both database DB2 servers are the same OS and same DB2 version otherwise this method is not working!

To move the database from the old server to the new one we did the following steps:

  • Backup old database ( backup database cognos )
  • Copy backup file to new server ( scp … )
  • Restore database on new server ( restore database cognos to /app/db2db )
  • create tcradmin user on new server and assign required db2 rights.

I spent about an hour googling where these database settings are stored with no success so finally I decided to find the configuration file myself. The database connection parameters are stored in cogstartup.xml file in the cognos configuration directory. We have changed the following parameter:

<crn:parameter name=”server”>
<crn:value xsi:type=”cfg:hostPort”>x.x.x.54:50001</crn:value>


<crn:parameter name=”server”>
<crn:value xsi:type=”cfg:hostPort”>x.x.x.53:50001</crn:value>

After restarting Jazz the cognos is now connected to the new database server.

Enable TCP/IP communcations on DB2

Our db2 instance user is smadmin

Edit /etc/services file to have the desired port set. I used 50000 and service name db2c_smadmin

db2c_smadmin    50000/tcp

Su over to the db2 user and run the following:

db2set DB2COMM=tcpip
db2 update database manager configuration using svcename db2c_smadmin

Restart the DB2 instance:

db2stop force

Check if the desired port is open:

telnet localhost 50000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ‘^]’.

If the operation was successful the connection is successful as it is in the example above.

Configuring TEPS on SUSE Linux 64 – Fixes

I found 2 problems during TEPS configuration.

1: Had to uncomment the ip v6 localhost entry

#::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

If you have the same problem you will see the following errors in the kfwjras1.log:

*** (RAS1 Tracing has been modified: New Filter: ERROR
*** (0) Trace options are:
*** () Trace mode: LOCAL (threaded output) to /app/IBM/ITM/logs/kfwjras1.log
*** (0) Trace parameters: ERROR
(51544790.29e6edc0-(null)main:CTJVMController,0,”<>”) The build level is:CJ062302.d2278a
(515447b1.37baf7c0-(null)main:QueryModelManager,0,”QueryModelManager._init()”) pullsize is set to:100
(515447b1.38538e40-(null)main:CTEventManagerBrokerImpl,0,”CTEventManagerBrokerImpl.CTQueryBrokerImpl()”) Exception: failed to resolve CTEvent::Manager
(515447b1.3862d080-(null)main:CTEventManagerBrokerImpl,0,”CTEventManagerBrokerImpl.CTQueryBrokerImpl()”) exception candle.fw.corba.CTIOR.NotFound {}
at candle.fw.corba.CTIOR._ManagerStub.resolveObjectName(

(515447b1.387212c0-(null)main:CTJVMDeploymentManager,0,”,CTJVMServerActivator)”) Using trac
ing filter:ERROR
*** (RAS1 Tracing has been modified: New Filter: ERROR
(515447b1.38ec24c0-(null)CTJVMDeploymentManager:CTJVMDeploymentJ2SEAdapter,0,””) makeDeployable wi
th moduleID:KFW_JVM__CTJDBC classpath:/app/IBM/ITM/lx8263/cq/lib/tepjdbc.jar:/app/IBM/ITM/li6263/iw/derby/lib/derby.jar:
(515447b1.3a4b1880-(null)CTJVMDeploymentManager:CTJVMDeploymentJ2SEAdapter,0,””) makeDeployable wi
th moduleID:KFW_JVM__CTCEV classpath:/app/IBM/ITM/lx8263/cq/lib/tepcev.jar:/app/IBM/ITM/lx8263/cq/lib/jcf.jar:/app/IBM/ITM/lx8263/cq/lib/jconn3.jar:/app/IBM/ITM/lx8263/cq/lib/jrim.jar:/app/IBM/ITM/
(515447b2.005b8d80-(null)CTJVMDeploymentManager:CTJVMDeploymentJ2SEAdapter,0,””) makeDeployable wi
th moduleID:KFW_JVM__CTMCS classpath:/app/IBM/ITM/lx8263/cq/lib/tepmcsattribute.jar

2: When the itmuser is created configuration using the itmcmd manage gui the password for itmuser is set incorrectly. I had to manually reset the users password to be able to connect to the TEPS database.

passwd itmuser