By default you do not have root access on any of the pods created on Openshift. If you still need root access for development or other purposes follow these simple steps to gain root:
Log in to your bastion box and switch project to the one you would like to work with:
oc project projectname
Create a service account that resembles the name of the project. We installed a zabbix container hence I used zabbix in the name.
oc create sa zabbix-nfs-sa
Give the service account privileged access.
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z zabbix-nfs-sa
Now add the following to the relevant Deployment Config yaml. Remember you won’t be able to change this on a running pod.

The securityContext should be present with the default value of {}. You can replace that with the definition above.
The serviceAccountName and ServiceAccount are not present with the yaml file so you can add them right under or above the securityContext definition.
Once you have edited the yaml file, save it and it will automatically get updated on the pod.
If everything goes fine you should see this when you navigate to the terminal tab of your POD: