Please note that this is NOT a detailed installation information just made notes to myself not to forget how I got this sorted 🙂
1: Install the product from the provided media
2: Create the object server by running the following command
sudo ./nco_dbinit
This will create the default object sever NCOMS.
3: Edit the omni.dat file
The omni.dat file has to be edited. The defined “omnihost” hostname has to be replaced with the server’s hostname. This file is located at ./netcool/etc/ directory NOT in ./netcool/omnibus/etc directory. The replacable sections are highlighted below:
# omni.dat file as prototype for interfaces file
# Ident: $Id: omni.dat 1.5 1999/07/13 09:34:20 chris Development $
Primary: omnihost 4100
Primary: omnihost 4300
Primary: omnihost 4200
Primary: omnihost 4400
4: Create the interfaces with nco_igen or nco_xgen command. This will generate the interface file in ./netcool/etc using the data provided in omni.dat
-rw-rw-r– 1 root root 3928 Mar 14 10:06 tds.dat
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 14 10:07 security
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 14 10:08 default
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Mar 14 15:13 interfaces
-rw-rw-r– 1 root root 283 Mar 14 15:21 omni.dat
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 664 Mar 14 15:23 interfaces.linux2x86
5: Create group ncoadmin and add administrative users to that group. Only users belonging to this group can execute process control commands.
6: Define ncoadmin as admin group using ./nco_pad -admingroup ncoadmin command
8: Define IDUC port. This will fix the IDUC port to any specified port number. If this is not done a random available port will be used. Add the following line to /etc/services
nco_NCOMS 3832/tcp
7: Make Omnibus server PA ware by adding the hostname at ./netcool/omnibus/etc/nco_pa.conf
nco_process ‘MasterObjectServer’
Command ‘$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_objserv -name NCOMS -pa NCO_PA’ run as 0
Host = ‘yourhostname‘
Managed = True
RestartMsg = ‘${NAME} running as ${EUID} has been restored on ${HOST}.’
AlertMsg = ‘${NAME} running as ${EUID} has died on ${HOST}.’
RetryCount = 0
ProcessType = PaPA_AWARE
8: Start process control in ./netcool/omnibus/bin/
./nco_pad -name NCO_PA
9. Start omnibus server
./netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_pa_start -process MasterObjectServer
10. Check status of Omnibus Server
./netcool/omnibus/bin # ./nco_pa_status
Login Password:
Service Name Process Name Hostname User Status PID
Core MasterObjectServer omnihost root RUNNING 12830